I was *desperate* to get better. Traditional medicine failed me, and I was at a dead end.

I felt like I was left behind, like this young western medicine physician was looking at me but NOT listening to me, to my pleas to help me figure out what was wrong.

My hair was falling out

I couldn't *think* straight

I had NO energy

I was gaining weight for no reason

A ballon animal version of myself

My periods were a *nightmare*

I had TERRIBLE gut issues

I walked out of the doctor's office that day, threw the prescription paperwork in the trash, and had finally reached my limit- there HAD to be a solution to stop these symptoms from happening in the first place.

That was the turning point, that's when I started bit by bit, piece by piece to unravel EVERYTHING I had been taught in my 6+ years of formal higher education as a Registered Dietitian.

The pursuit of my own healing was my wake-up call.

And now this is yours, this is your *first* step to take back the reigns of your own health inside your home for you and your family.

I created PURIFY to fix the *root* of what's making you sick AT THE ROOT.

Here's the truth (don't worry, you don't have to put on your tin foil hat for this conversation)- the EPA, other government agencies, private environmental groups, and medical journals *all* recognize the toxic chemicals around as creating MAJOR issues for our health.

Everything from obesity and diabetes to fertility issues, hormone imbalances, cancers, and more. The stats are JARRING, and yet traditional western medicine does not take *any* of this into account when working to support someone's health concerns.

The environment and products in our homes are making us *sick* AND we can fix it by lightening the toxic load we encounter in our daily lives. We can create a clean slate, a healing haven to hold you on your health journey.

PURIFY will support you to:

Transform your home into a safe haven, allowing you to rest easy knowing you've done your best to create a health-supportive space for your family to heal and thrive in.

Feel empowered and informed about everyday toxic exposures and be able to shop with confidence for yourself and your family.

Become a more *savvy* shopper, effortlessly navigating grocery store aisles to select safer products that align with your health goals.

Leave behind anxiety or overwhelm from trying to find safer, healthier products (because I am going to make it *so simple* for you).

Start Your Low-Tox Living Journey

The journey of this 8 module course:

Click 'preview' for details on what will be covered in each training.

  Welcome & Logistics
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 1: Understanding Environmental Toxins & Your Health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 2: Common Exposures Hiding in Your Food
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 3: Toxics in Kitchen Cookware, Food Packaging, & Food Storage- OH MY!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 4: Not So Pretty Side of Personal Care Products & Makeup
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 5: Cleaning House of Toxic Chemicals in Household Cleaners
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 6: Clearing The Air for Better Indoor Air Quality
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 7: Running Pure With Clean Water
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 8: Tying It All Together + Q&A
Available in days
days after you enroll
I've designed this program to guide you through the *simple* steps that can have a HUGE impact on your daily toxin exposure without having to invest in expensive "detox" products, supplements, or protocols.

PURIFY is for you if:

  • You struggle with ongoing hormone, fertility, and autoimmune issues, and you want to learn to heal them by addressing everyday chemical exposures contributing to your sickness.
  • You are aware that toxic chemicals are a threat to you or your family's health, and want to do something about it but don't know *where* to start.
  • Want to create a more health-supportive home, free of unnecessary toxic exposures.
  • You are tired of relying on information on what's safe or what's toxic from social media and want reliable, accurate information about which exposures *actually* matter.

Here's everything that's included inside the program:

Rather than feeling overwhelmed, this course will help you navigate low-tox living with absolute ease and *confidence*! Here's everything that's included inside PURIFY.

  • 8 video module recordings: Go through the program at your own pace, on your own time. You'll get lifetime access to revisit the videos whenever you need it.
  • Comment question support: Under each module, you can ask questions and get answers for this program.
  • Low-tox home inventory checklist: Checklists to identify items in your home that may need replacing, with product & behavior change recommendations.
  • Ingredient watchlist: A compilation of common chemicals found in household products, personal care items, and food packaging, and their potential health effects.
  • Shopping guide for safer products: Criteria for selecting safer alternatives to common household products like cleaning supplies, personal care products, and cosmetics.
  • Simple everyday detoxification guide: Tips for optimizing your body's natural detoxification capacity, with no need for supplements or intimidating protocols.
  • Meal planning & cooking tips for minimizing chemical exposure: Guidance on food preparation and storage to lower potential exposure to chemicals.
  • Everyday low-tox resources: Websites, apps, and browser extensions to help you locate safer, less toxic products.

Start Your Low-Tox Living Journey

Hi, I'm Brooke

I’m a Registered Dietitian, Holistic Health Coach, Podcaster, Speaker, Educator, Breathwork Facilitator, Non-toxic Living Expert, Dog Mom, and Human Design Projector (aka a natural intuitive, seer, and guide).

I broke free from the narrow-minded traditional Western medical model I was trained in as an RD, to start finding how to heal MYSELF. I learned so much along the way that blew my mind, I *totally* transformed my private practice to start bringing holistic health solutions to empower clients on their own health & healing journeys.

I am here to help you create your holistically aligned life & restore balance to your nutrition, nervous system, and health + self-care rituals, so you can enjoy *all* this beautiful life has to offer.